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Date & Time
Selected Sessions:
Dec 6, 2024 10:15 AM
What is trash? It lives in our homes and landfills, lines the bottom of our oceans, and even permeates our seemingly pristine digital landscapes, but beyond the discarded remains of human activity, we see in it a canvas for transformation. Looking past its decrepit state, we seek to highlight the potential of trash for rethinking traditional ideas of permanence.
Leading complex and diverse lives far outside the realm of human intervention, materials evolve in infinite cycles of decomposition and renewal. In their journeys of decay and rebirth, they form the objects, textures and surfaces that shape our lives and collective futures. RECOMPOSE embraces the belief that one person's trash is another person’s–or designer's–treasure as an entry point for resilient and imaginative creative practices. The artifacts created from waste serve as catalysts for reflection and storytelling, this exhibition aims to provoke and broaden dialogues of sustainability in art and design, as well as inspire and encourage further critical explorations of materiality.
We invite you to step into this space of transformative creativity; join us as we speculate on new material encounters in a posthuman world.